In a little village surrounded by big green trees and chirping birds, there lived a boy named Chandu. Chandu’s life was very hard. His father was sick, and Chandu had to take care of his family all by himself. No matter how hard he worked, they stayed poor. This made Chandu very sad and worried.

The Wise Sage by the River
One day, Chandu heard stories about a wise old man who sat by the river. People said he could help anyone who was feeling lost. Chandu’s heart filled with hope.
The next morning, Chandu walked to the riverbank. Under a big shady tree sat the sage, his eyes closed as if he was dreaming while awake. Chandu took a deep breath, bowed, and said, “Wise sage, my life is so hard. I try and try, but nothing gets better. Can you help me?”
The sage opened his kind eyes and smiled. “My child,” he said gently, “your troubles come from the storm inside your mind. To calm the outside, you must first calm the inside. Start by sitting quietly and breathing every day. This is called meditation.”
Chandu tilted his head, confused. “Meditation? Is it hard? What if I do it wrong?”
The sage chuckled softly and pointed to some tiny plants growing nearby. “Do you see those baby plants?”
“Yes,” Chandu said.
“When we plant seeds, we water them every day so they can grow into strong plants. If we forget to water them, they wither and die. Your heart and mind are like seeds, Chandu. Meditation is the water they need to grow strong. The only thing you have to do is practice every day.”

Chandu’s New Habit
Chandu’s eyes brightened. “I’ll try it,” he said. From that day, Chandu sat by the river every morning. At first, it was hard. His mind wandered, and he fidgeted. But he remembered the sage’s words and kept trying.
Little by little, Chandu’s worries faded like clouds after rain. His mind became calm, and he started thinking of new ways to solve his problems.

A Happy Ending
As the years went by, Chandu’s life changed. He worked hard and helped his family out of poverty. Everyone in the village admired him.
One day, Chandu visited the sage again. The sage smiled and said, “Your eyes tell me you have found peace.”
Chandu nodded. “Meditation was the water my heart needed. It helped me grow strong and happy. Thank you, wise sage.”
The sage placed a gentle hand on Chandu’s shoulder. “Remember, even big trees need care. Keep watering your soul every day.”
The Lesson of the Seed
And so, Chandu meditated every day, staying calm and happy. His story reminds us that, just like seeds need water, our hearts and minds need care too. By sitting quietly and breathing, we can grow strong and happy, just like Chandu.

Note: Vriddhi’s story emerged from her experiences in Abacus class, where she practiced meditation daily. Her teacher shared a concept about a seed, inspiring Vriddhi to create a narrative, which she then shared with her father. He helped refine the story, transforming her idea into a clear and engaging tale.